Housing Co-ops on Vancouver Island

Below, you will find a list and map of all the non-profit housing co-ops on Vancouver Island.

Please note that every co-op is independently governed and managed.  If you would like to apply to a housing co-op, you'll need to follow the instructions provided by each co-op.  We have provided website addresses where possible and will be adding more information to this page as we find it.

Click here for more general information on how to apply to a housing co-op. 

Click the arrow box in the upper left of the map below to see the menu, or scroll down further for a list.

[ If you are a member of one of the co-ops listed below and have information you'd like added, please let us know! ]

1)  1678 Fort Street Housing Co-op  |  1678 Fort Street, Victoria

How to apply :  Visit their website at:   https://sites.google.com/cascadia.solutions/fort 

2)  Alf Toone Housing Co-op  |  2750 Mount Stephen Avenue, Victoria

How to apply :  Email the Membership Committee at  alftoonehousing@gmail.com

3)  Beckley Farm Housing Co-op  |  117 Simcoe Street, James Bay

How to apply :  Email the Membership Committee at  beckleyfarm@gmail.com

4)  Broadoaks Housing Co-op  |  4541 Chatterton Way, Saanich

How to applyinformation coming soon.

5Cameo Housing Co-op  |  1501 Glentana Road, View Royal

How to apply :  Visit their website at  CameoCo-op.ca 

6Craigflower Housing Co-op  |  1509 Glentana Road, View Royal

How to apply :  Visit their website at  Craigflower.ca

7Craigilea Housing Co-op  |  35 Obed Avenue, Victoria

How to apply :  Visit their website at  Craigilea.net 

8Four Mile Heights Housing Co-op  |  236 Island Highway, View Royal

How to applyVisit their website at  FourMileHeights.org

9)  Frances Gardens Housing Co-op  |  6579 Throup Road, Sooke

How to apply :  Email the Membership Committee at  francesgardens6579@gmail.com 

10)  Friendship Housing Co-op  |    10075 5th Street, Sidney

How to applyinformation coming soon.

11)  Greenway Housing Co-op  |  3248 Rutledge Street, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  GreenwayCoop.managebuilding.com

12)  Hatley Park Housing Co-op  |  939 Goldstream Avenue, Langford

How to applySend a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to:

Hatley Park Housing Co-op

939 Goldstream Avenue 

Langford, B.C.  V9B 2Y2

You are also able to pick up application forms from unit 4 at the co-op.

13)  Heatheridge Housing Co-op  |  1360 Hillside Avenue, Victoria

How to apply :  Email the Membership Committee at  heatheridgecoop@gmail.com

14)  Homeward Housing Co-op  |  815 Lodi Avenue, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  HomewardHousingCoop.wildapricot.org 

15)  James Bay Housing Co-op  |  130 & 144 Dallas Road, Victoria

16)  Kailasa Housing Co-op  |    4260 Burbank Crescent, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  KailasaCoop.wordpress.com 

17)  Krisineleos Housing Co-op  |   4270 Ponderosa Crescent, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  Krisineleos.net 

18)  Lang Cove Housing Co-op  |   700 Grenville Avenue, Esquimalt

How to apply :  Visit their website at  langcove.ca 

19)  Lavender Housing Co-op  |   620 Judah Street, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  LavenderCoop.com

20)  Marigold Housing Co-op  |   3950 Columbine Way, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  MarigoldCoop.ca 

21)  Mitraniketan Housing Co-op  |   1241 Balmoral Road, Victoria

How to apply :  Send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to:

Mitraniketan Housing Co-op

#21-1241 Balmoral Road 

Victoria, B.C.  V8T 1B2

22)  North Ridge Housing Co-op  |   4275 Burbank Crescent, Saanich

How to apply :  Email the Membership Committee at  northridgecoop@gmail.com 

23)  Oak Bay Housing Co-op  |   1426 Newport Avenue, Victoria

How to apply :  Email the Membership Committee at  obhcmembership@outlook.com

24)  Orchard Green Housing Co-op  |   3535 Calumet Avenue, Victoria

How to applyInformation coming soon.

25)  Pheasant Meadows Housing Co-op  |   1322 Pheasant Lane, View Royal

How to apply :  Visit their website at  PheasantMeadows.ca 

26)  Pioneer Housing Co-op  |   1000 McCaskill Road, Vic West

How to apply :  Visit their website at  PioneerHousingCoop.com 

27)  Seawalk Housing Co-op  |   250 Russell Street, Esquimalt

How to apply :  Visit their website at  Seawalk.coop 

28)  Spring Ridge Housing Co-op  |   1251 Pembroke Street, Victoria

How to applyInformation coming soon

29)  Superior Street Housing Co-op  |   415 Superior Street, James Bay

How to applyNot currently accepting applications

30)  Twin Oaks Housing Co-op  |   4030 Lochside Drive, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  TwinOaksCoop.ca

31)  Tyee Housing Co-op  |  103 Wilson Street, Victoria

How to apply :  Visit their website at  TyeeCoop.com

32)  Washington Housing Co-op  |   373 Burnside Rd East, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  WashingtonCo-op.ca

33)  Waterside Housing Co-op  |   2820 Harriet Rd, Saanich

How to apply :  Visit their website at  WatersideCoop.ca 

34)  Wilderness Park Housing Co-op  |   3045 Jackson Street, Saanich

How to applyClick here to download an application, and mail to:

Wilderness Park Housing Co-op

Box A - 3045 Jackson Street

Victoria, BC V8T 3Z7.