What Can Cascadia Do For Your Co-op?


Good governance on the part of an educated board of directors leads to hiring skilled management, who will follow the direction of the board to help the co-op organize, prioritize, manage, and plan for the future.

By hiring an experienced property coordinator, a board demonstrates sound governance by ensuring the co-op’s day-to-day operations are being handled securely and efficiently, freeing the board and members up to build their community and make the important decisions that only members can make.


Does your co-op feel like it's spinning its wheels?  More talk than action?  Hard to get the big ideas off the ground when you're constantly putting out fires?  Is it hard to get members to sit on your board because the task at hand just seems too overwhelming?  Members burning out?

Cascadia can offer your community . . .


Your Cascadia Property Coordinators will work closely with your Board of Directors to ensure all aspects of your business are managed with kindness, honesty, respect and professionalism.  

From answering day to day member inquiries and taking care of maintenance to supporting meetings and helping build strong policies for your community, Cascadia is here for your unique co-operative!

Let us help your community rediscover all the best parts about being co-operative members!

We believe good management rests on three key components…

Maintenance & Project Coordination

Administration & Governance Support

Fiscal Management

At Cascadia, we recognize that every co-operative community is unique, so we will tailor a service package to meet your needs and work with your existing service providers to ensure continuity of support.

We look forward to working with you!